Handcrafting creative digital experiences.

Available Services

Software Consulting


Providing experienced insights into business needs.

Web Design


Crafting flow diagrams, wireframes, architecture, and more.

Web Development


Building scalable software solutions.

HTML5 logo CSS logo JavaScript logo ReactJS logo VueJS logo AngularJS logo Java logo Shopify logo Magento logo Wordpress logo Sketch logo Photoshop logo Illustrator logo InDesign logo

Previous Projects

Project Image: GlobalWonks


Role: Developer

Designer: Brad Lawson

Completed rapid prototyping of a web solution for GlobalWonks, a tech-enabled marketplace that uses proprietary analytics to connect public and private enterprises with world-class experts in a variety of fields.

AngularJS | SCSS | Java | AWS

Project Image: Fresh Clean Tees

Fresh Clean Tees

Role: Developer

Company: Scoutside

Created a customizable swatches feature to display all available color options for each product type.

Shopify | Liquid | SCSS

Project Image: Lazy Dog Beer Club

Lazy Dog Beer Club

Role: Developer

Company: Scoutside

Updated subscription functionality to allow for a customer to skip the next charge date as part of the purchase flow.

Shopify | Liquid | ReCharge | dayJS | SCSS

Project Image: Maxtrix Kids

Maxtrix Kids

Role: Developer

Company: eHouse Studio

Developed a new website highlighting the advantages of Maxtrix's evolutionary children's bed system.

Shopify | Liquid | SCSS

Project Image: Candelabra


Role: Developer

Company: South

Integrated and styled a new third-party filtering module into the existing e-commerce site for Candelabra, a lighting retailer.

Magento | Amasty | SCSS

Project Image: The Virginian

The Virginian

Role: Developer

Company: Rawle Murdy

Developed a website highlighting the features and amenities of a community located in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

WordPress | SCSS

Project Image: Virtual Realty

Virtual Realty

Role: Designer & Developer

Designed and developed a corporate website for Virtual Realty, LLC, a business providing 2D and 3D imagery to highlight properties available for sale.


About Sweetgrass Studio

Headshot of Lori L. Gildersleeve

Sweetgrass Studio represents Lori L. Gildersleeve, a professional software engineer focused on providing best-in-class solutions to business needs.

With a focus on front-end development, Lori has worked on a variety of software applications, from e-commerce websites to single-page applications to massive government-sponsored projects.

With degrees in computer science and English literature, she brings both creativity and attention to detail to her work.

When not debugging code, Lori enjoys reading a good book, playing with string, and exploring virtual worlds.