Handcrafting creative digital experiences.
Available Services

Providing experienced insights into business needs.

Crafting flow diagrams, wireframes, architecture, and more.

Building scalable software solutions.

Previous Projects

Role: Developer
Designer: Brad Lawson
Completed rapid prototyping of a web solution for GlobalWonks, a tech-enabled marketplace that uses proprietary analytics to connect public and private enterprises with world-class experts in a variety of fields.

Fresh Clean Tees
Role: Developer
Company: Scoutside
Created a customizable swatches feature to display all available color options for each product type.

Lazy Dog Beer Club
Role: Developer
Company: Scoutside
Updated subscription functionality to allow for a customer to skip the next charge date as part of the purchase flow.

Maxtrix Kids
Role: Developer
Company: eHouse Studio
Developed a new website highlighting the advantages of Maxtrix's evolutionary children's bed system.

Role: Developer
Company: South
Integrated and styled a new third-party filtering module into the existing e-commerce site for Candelabra, a lighting retailer.

The Virginian
Role: Developer
Company: Rawle Murdy
Developed a website highlighting the features and amenities of a community located in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Virtual Realty
Role: Designer & Developer
Designed and developed a corporate website for Virtual Realty, LLC, a business providing 2D and 3D imagery to highlight properties available for sale.
About Sweetgrass Studio

Sweetgrass Studio represents Lori L. Gildersleeve, a professional software engineer focused on providing best-in-class solutions to business needs.
With a focus on front-end development, Lori has worked on a variety of software applications, from e-commerce websites to single-page applications to massive government-sponsored projects.
With degrees in computer science and English literature, she brings both creativity and attention to detail to her work.
When not debugging code, Lori enjoys reading a good book, playing with string, and exploring virtual worlds.